My current obsession is body jewelry. I have a lot of customers wearing my Wee Curls in a fabulous variety of ways, including as nose rings and lip rings, and in a lot of different cartilage piercings. I’m really intrigued by multiple piercings, so I’m constantly thinking through possible designs that are simple, wearable, comfortable, and fun.
My newest additions? I’ve designed a simple nose screw and nose stud which feature melted silver beads. I love the organic, slightly cratered feel these beads have. No two are ever quite the same! They’re wonderfully understated, but somehow much more satisfying than store-bought studs.
For those of you with more standard piercings, I’ve made some simple studs of the same design. I have a pair of these in my second piercings which you’ll have to tear off of me, because I refuse to remove them (except to do Krav Maga).
Love them? You can find these in my Etsy shop.

What’s next? Well, I’m tinkering with flower designs at the moment. Stay tuned for updates. And of course, as always, if you have a fabulous idea of your own that you’re dying to have made, just let me know! I love custom orders. Some of my most popular designs have come from customer suggestions. You guys are the greatest!