I finally have my own jewelry workbench! Santa Claus definitely came early this year. No more shoehorning my tools into strange corners of the loft. I can hang my Flexshaft from a real Flexshaft hanger, instead of from the handle on my tripod. And I even have my own torch! So I don’t have to schedule my torch work around studio hours any more. Woot woot!
Andy the Clever put this together from an IKEA Pronomen butcher block countertop and an IKEA Galant desk frame and legs. Voila! The perfect IKEA hack for the perfect little jewelry workbench. All tucked in a corner in front of the window. Sweet!

Of course my view is of the tragically bungled blinds at the moment, but I’m just looking right through them at the street, pretending they don’t exist. Here’s hoping I don’t set those old bedraggled curtains on fire…
Did you miss the saga of the tragically bungled blinds? You can start at the beginning or catch up with the latest installment. Hey, someone should get some entertainment value out of them!