When I took photography classes, back in the dark ages when photos were taken on film (ah, I miss my old Olympus camera), I used to do a lot of self portraits. You see, I’ve been intrigued with the human form since I took my first life drawing class.
When I moved from drawing to photography, I wanted to photograph people. But generally the only available subject was… me. So I have a lot of photos of myself. I even took self portraits with my large format view camera. You know, the kind that look like bellows in the middle, where you stand behind it and throw a black cloth over your head? The photo I used for my blog header was taken with that camera. I dragged that monster of a camera across a beach to get that shot at the pier.

Yesterday I finally sat down with the manual to my digital camera and figured out the self timer. I’ve been struggling to take photos of myself with my iPhone for the last few months. Because I’m lazy, that’s why, and it was easier than figuring out the timer on the digital camera. (Funny how the photo quality is so much better with the Canon than with my iPhone.) I’m back in the land of art photography now, though, and there’s no stopping me. And I’m getting some great shots for my shop, so I don’t feel too bad indulging myself.