It’s been a pretty crazy in the studio this week. I guess you all went shopping over Memorial Day weekend, eh?
I’ve been practicing my “eh” in preparation for our upcoming trip to Canada. Growing up in Michigan (on the border of Canada) I have a proper Canadian accent, which used to be accompanied by “eh” at the end of every sentence. I shed my “eh” when I headed off to college, but picked it up again during my year at the Vacouver Film School. I suspect it will be back within a couple of days once we get into Canada. Andy is always amused when my inner “eh” comes out.
I guess my Canadian accent is pretty good, because I lived in Vancouver for a year and never once got spotted as an American. People always seemed really surprised when they found out I was American. It’s a nice benefit, to be able to blend with the natives. I never did pull that one off in Germany…

I’m working on a couple of rainbow obsidian necklaces, one of which I’m keeping for myself. I need some bling for my vacation! I’m torn between these two pieces. I think both of them are sheen obsidian, just because the color is fairly consistent (pale blue for the one, lavender for the other), but I’ve never seen sheen obsidian in color before, just silver sheen and gold sheen.
My supplier inherited a rainbow obsidian mine when his grandfather died several years ago, and he seems to have lot of unique and rare pieces of rainbow obsidian. I’m hoping to pick up some more at the next gem show in a few weeks. Cross your fingers that he’s there and he has some new stones cut!