I’ve loved locks ever since we followed a large commercial ship through a series of locks when I was a small child. I remember with great delight stopping at every lock to see the same ship, and waving each time to one of the sailors who spoke no English but obviously loved children. I couldn’t have been more than five years old at the time. I suspect my love of travel and foreign cultures as well as my love of locks stemmed from that trip. The man had come from a foreign country! On a boat! What’s more fantastic than that when you’re five years old?

Since Andy shares my love of locks, we spent some time hunting down canals and locks during our trip. I snapped these shots at the Trent Lock in Trenton, Ontario, which is the first lock on the Trent-Severn Waterway.

Since Andy shares my love of locks, we spent some time hunting down canals and locks during our trip. I snapped these shots at the Trent Lock in Trenton, Ontario, which is the first lock on the Trent-Severn Waterway.