I created this necklace in sterling silver with a lab-grown ruby cabochon for the Etsy Metal Project Runway Challenge. This week’s challenge was to create a movie character, build a story, and make a piece of jewelry for that character. I chose Film Noir for my genre, which I’m sure will be a terrible shock to those of you who know me well. ;)
On to my tragic character. Our heroine, who has been sent by her country to spy on a suspected traitor, has fallen deeply in love with the man she has been sent to spy on. He is desperately in love with her as well, but she never tells him that she loves him, because she is living a double life as a spy, and she knows she cannot stay.

In the Victorian language of flowers, the daisy represents either loyal love or farewell, depending on the type of daisy. During the final scene, our noble spy wears the daisy necklace to symbolize her eternal love for this man and the tragic fact that she will never see him again.
Film Noir had its heyday in the 1940s and 50s, which happily falls smack in the middle of the Modernist period of design. I’ve recently fallen in love with Modernist jewelry design, which goes very well with my design aesthetic, and I designed this piece in a modernist style. Our heroine will look very dashing indeed!