And That Comes With… Free Coffee!

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For those of you in the USA, Starbucks is giving away free coffee if you vote! Just go on in to a Starbucks tomorrow, tell them you voted, and they’ll give you a free cup of tall brewed coffee.

Too bad I don’t drink coffee, cos I already voted. D’you think they’ll spot me a chai?

This 6” x 6” Giclee print of a Starbucks is by Lisa Ober. You can pick one up in her Etsy shop.

I Voted!

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Yes, I finally sat down, read through all 517 propositions, and voted! I mailed it off yesterday.

Nuff said.

Hot Hot Hot

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I’m in… wait for it… the hottest Treasury on Etsy at the moment! That’s me up there, laughing, top row and center! And down below you can see that red hot square which shows that this Artists of Etsy Exposed Treasury is the hottest Treasury going. Oh yeah. I’m so hot you can get a sunburn just standing next to me! Aren’t we a cute bunch?

Personally, I’m just happy to be considered cool enough to play with the MixedSpecies guys (you know, the guy with the udder). They are some of my favorite artists on Etsy. Just reading their listings is like watching performance art.

So d’you think this is my 15 minutes of fame?

Every Cloud Has a Tin Lining

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I’ve realized that there is a tin lining to the crazy non-working blinds situation. Since the blind won’t open on the right-hand door, I can’t see Naked Guy’s place from the breakfast table!

Of course I’ll be in for a big shock when the blinds get fixed. But not to worry, I’m sure that won’t be any time soon. They haven’t even called me yet…

A Comedy of Errors

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“Let’s take the curtains down now!” I crowed in a spurt of excitement. “Then once the blinds are in, we’ll be done!”

“You know, let’s just wait until the blinds are in,” said Andy, the Voice of Caution. “I’d hate to have to put the curtains back up if something goes wrong.”

Ah Voice of Caution. That day you were the Voice of Doom…

This was supposed to be a triumphal post about how months after ordering fabulous in-window blinds to replace my old ragged curtains, I finally had them installed yesterday. I’ve been overly excited about these blinds. They’re chic, they’re slick, they can’t get dirty because they’re inside the windows, and the dogs can’t sit on them and pull the curtain rods down. These blinds would fix every problem and cure every disease. They would be the best!

Now I could tell you everything that went wrong yesterday, but that would take about three pages. So on the theory that a picture paints a thousand words…

The reason that the blinds on the right-hand door aren’t open is because they can’t be opened. And yes, my windows look like a checkerboard. I can see you wondering how this happened. Apparently it’s a combination of the original estimator ordering the wrong things, the woman in charge of my order being laid off, the new woman in charge of my order being pissed off about having twice her old workload, and the factory sending broken pieces. How long until this is fixed? If I’m very, very lucky, 6 weeks. Of course, that’s Christmas time, so more likely January.

I will now go laugh, or cry, or maybe just drink some tea.

Very Witchy

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I was paging through my genealogy recently, and noticed that several of my ancestors came over to the States on the Mayflower. How interesting is that? I had in my head that my ancestors came over on a few of the ships after that, and some of them did. But the Mayflower just has more, I don’t know, panache. I guess I come from a long line of wanderers.

Of course I knew since I was a kid that I had ancestors killed in the Salem Witch Trials. For those of you that read The Crucible in school, I am, indeed, related to Rebecca Nurse. I used to tell the kids in gradeschool that if they were mean to me, I’d turn them into a frog

Isn’t He Romantic?

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Some men buy their wives flowers. But today Andy bought me… dowel rods! I have to admit I’m overly excited about these dowel rods. But that’s because I’ve been designing handmade chains, and a nice selection of dowel rods makes the whole thing possible.

You see, to make handmade chain, you wrap wire around and around something round. Dowel rods are great for this. Then you slide the coil off, saw through it lengthwise, and magically you have a ton of little circles. Solder them all together and you have a handmade chain. And now that I have dowel rods in all these sizes, I can make pretty much anything I can dream up.

Isn’t he the best?

Yeah, OK, you’re right. I’m maybe slightly too excited about these dowel rods…


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My current obsession is body jewelry. I have a lot of customers wearing my Wee Curls in a fabulous variety of ways, including as nose rings and lip rings, and in a lot of different cartilage piercings. I’m really intrigued by multiple piercings, so I’m constantly thinking through possible designs that are simple, wearable, comfortable, and fun.

My newest additions? I’ve designed a simple nose screw and nose stud which feature melted silver beads. I love the organic, slightly cratered feel these beads have. No two are ever quite the same! They’re wonderfully understated, but somehow much more satisfying than store-bought studs.

For those of you with more standard piercings, I’ve made some simple studs of the same design. I have a pair of these in my second piercings which you’ll have to tear off of me, because I refuse to remove them (except to do Krav Maga).

Love them? You can find these in my Etsy shop.

What’s next? Well, I’m tinkering with flower designs at the moment. Stay tuned for updates. And of course, as always, if you have a fabulous idea of your own that you’re dying to have made, just let me know! I love custom orders. Some of my most popular designs have come from customer suggestions. You guys are the greatest!