Starbucks Pop

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If you love your Starbucks like I do, why not have a painting of one in your office? Hey, it’s modern Pop Art. Andy Warhol would approve.

This 6” x 6” Giclee print by Lisa Ober runs $20. You can pick one up in her Etsy shop.

The Chaos That Is

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Welcome to the chaos that is my shipping table, two days after my Forged Open Hoops were up on Etsy’s front page. I swear I shipped off at least 10 orders yesterday, but they seem to be breeding. Expect no new photography for a couple of days. In my multi-functional home/studio, this table is also my photography studio (not to mention my kitchen table) when it’s not missing in action…

Etsy Front Page!

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Wow! I’m really excited to have finally hit Etsy’s front page. I think it’s great, because it gives a lot of people a chance to see my designs who otherwise might never know about them. And it’s the first time I’ve seen my designs up there! But they don’t tell you if you’re up there, so for all I know I’m up there all the time in the middle of the night…

*happy dance*

It’s a really beautiful Treasury, so I’m not too surprised to see it made the front page. Thanks to Dennis Anderson for including my Forged Open Hoops!

Mmm Curls

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Reshot my Mini Curls with some fantastic grass I picked up. I’m loving the natural feel in photos these days. Love ‘em? You can pick up a pair in my shop.

Dancing the Day Away

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I bought some new music for my iPod yesterday, and now I’m feeling all artsy and photography-y. Don’t ask me why music and photography are related for me, they just are. So I’ve decided to update some of my older photos to go with the nice beachy feel I’m getting from the photos of my new hawk necklace and flower earrings. I have some fabulous shells I picked up on the beach to play with. Who could resist?

So here you go, for your viewing pleasure, some new photographs of two popular styles: Teeny Loops in sterling silver and Tiny Curls in solid 14k gold. Enjoy!


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I promised you flowers, and flowers you shall have. My new flower earrings are now up in my Etsy shop. Flowers for everyone!

I Told You

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I told you I’d use these handmade flowers in a design soon. I sawed them out of silver sheet when I made my hawk necklace, just because, you know, sometimes a girl wants flowers. Then I tumble polished them and left them out on the table where they’d catch my eye until inspiration struck. And it did strike, oh yes indeedy!

After staring at the flowers for a few days, I realized I wanted them to dangle just under my earlobes. Nothing fancy, no fuss. These are lovely simple flowers, and the design had to be clean. So I strung them on 1/2” hoops. Had to redesign the closure on the hoops to work with such a small size hoop. I ended up with a spiral that loops around the end. Very sleek. Not that you can see the hook when you’re wearing them, but never let it be said that I’m anything but a perfectionist!

I haven’t taken these earrings out since I made them - I even sleep in them! I love the way the flowers spin around on the hoops, and how they hang just under my earlobes. Want a pair of your own? Don’t worry, they’ll be up in my Etsy shop soon.

Smooth Move of the Day

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So I’m out walking the dogs, on my way to mail out some orders. I step into the street, and zip! Some dizzy blonde runs a stop sign and accelerates her car across the intersection while putting up her hair with both hands. Which leaves, of course, no hands for the steering wheel.

Um, hello? Do you see me? You know, the chick standing in the street with the two red and white dogs and the arms full of packages? You know, the owner of those toes you nearly ran over? Oh yes, I see. You can’t see anything, because you’re looking at your knees while you build that ponytail.

If I ever stop posting, you’ll know the dizzy blonde won, and I am now a road pizza. Or one of the other bad drivers has smushed me. We have a lot of them. I’m thinking of mounting a traffic camera on my head as a deterrent. Think it’ll help?

Th-th-that’s 500!

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I just glanced at my Etsy page and realized I’m at 500 sales! It’s like catching a glimpse of your odometer when your car goes over 50,000 miles, only without the worry about maintenance costs. Next milestone - 1,000!


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“…flat, like a potato.”

I love hearing little snippets of conversations. So much more entertaining than the whole conversation would have been. I got a good laugh out of that flat potato yesterday. Potatoes being, you know, one of the flatter vegetables. Um…